Why Feeling Strong Trumps Losing Weight


Now you may be reading that title and thinking, hold up Jackie. And I understand. I am so aware that about 45% of the population in North America are reportedly ‘trying to lose weight’. 

I was on that journey, too. Being a new mom can make a person feel pressure in ways they never would have imagined. So week after week, actually, more like daily, I was watching for body changes, stepping on the scale, and IT WAS SO CONSUMING. 

And do you know what? I was never done. Leaner, smaller, regardless of where I was. Mentally, when you are always focused on changing, often feeling not being ‘good enough’ yet, on a roller coaster with high days and low days, navigating food guilt and shame, you are likely exhausted.

For myself personally, and the Fitness & Nutrition clients I have worked with - it IS exhausting. 

Now, I am not saying we need to throw weight loss goals out the window. If that is important to you, that is totally valid. I just suggest that you get clear on a few things first. Have you considered the impact on your health and well-being, in relation to pursuing this goal? Also, it’s important to be sure you have a good understanding of what you want, and why it is important to you, and if the actions and behaviours you use will have any risks. And lastly, is what you are doing sustainable?

Let’s take a look at another angle - pursuing feeling strong over losing weight.
What this actually refers to is the focus on health promoting behaviours vs the focus of changing your body.
This is where I found the magic. This is where your mental anguish can be diminished, where how you feel is the root of your actions, and every behaviour that supports you to feel good is more likely to be repeated.
Taking away the often negative relationship we can have with weight loss, one that we are typically not so nice to ourselves on, allows us to have more self compassion. And let me tell you, being a jerk to yourself over eating pizza last night or missing workouts is not going to motivate you to make change. Actually, “self compassion is way more effective at eliciting positive health and behaviour change and is much better for your overall well being” (CSCS Coach Sohee Lee).

If you put the focus on feeling strong, feeling mobile, and actively work on actions that add to your life - you are 

  1. More likely to repeat them

  2. More likely to reinforce other health promoting behaviours 

  3. More likely to feel good in your body, and again, then more likely to repeat these actions

  4. Developing increased self confidence 

  5. Increasing opportunities for mindfulness through movement

  6. Actually putting years on your life by decreasing the risk of diseases, improving your heart health, decreasing the risk of bone breaks and fractures as you age

  7. Developing a positive relationship with your body, and shifting your mind to one more giving of self love

  8. Feeling empowered in your body, which then carries over to life. You can and likely will feel empowered in your work, in your relationships, in your daily life and future plans

  9. Decreasing aches and pains, which adds to a positive quality of life

  10. Supporting your mental health and emotional well-being. 

Will you lose body fat in the process? Probably. We’re just not making that the largest focus.

If you have spent most of your life in a weight loss mindset or journey, this is your sign to try something new. And after seeing all those benefits of focusing on feeling strong - well heck, I hope you’re thinking SIGN. ME. UP.

Does this blog have you fired up and want to make a change but unsure where to start? Reach out.
Between my RealFit Training Program, my 4 Week Focus program, or becoming one of my personal clients, I can help you. 



Wake The Fnck Up - My Path to Consciousness


Jackie’s Story