Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes: Inspiration to Be Proactive With Your Health.

Ma$e was onto something when he rapped “breathe, stretch, shake, let it go”. (80s babies, I’m talking to you!)

But seriously, when those lyrics hit the world, the stress we likely held was likely minimal compared to now. Because now we have daily life demands like fighting an uphill economic battle, raising humans or pets or caring for family members, huge pressures and demands from work, and of course dealing with a pandemic on top of it. For most of us, we are doing our damn best to be healthy, physically and mentally, and heal from the experiences we had back when those lyrics came alive.

You have been told to meditate. To take deep breaths when you’re stressed. To walk or exercise. Unfortunately for many, we practice these actions in a reactionary way: when stress is now so overwhelming that we need to take deep breaths. When we feel completely unhappy in our bodies, we then make an effort to change them.

It is not the time to be reactionary with your wellness.

First, let’s just take a pause to acknowledge alll you are balancing in 2021 and the way our world demands the best of the best with your time and energy. All with little regard to the toll it takes on your well-being.
It is not the time to be reactionary with your wellness. You deserve more than waiting until you are burnt out, waiting until you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, to take action.
Now is the time to understand allll that is being asked of you, and for you to say, hold up - I need to care for myself FIRST, before I can show up as my best for everyone else.

Bringing it back to the line at the top: breathe, stretch, shake, let it go.
Let’s connect that to managing our stress (which can be good, bad or neutral - but it is still stress) and our well-being.

There is solid scientific evidence to why breathwork and meditation are so incredibly impactful on your well-being and for managing stress.
The same applies for movement of any capacity.

You know this. I know this. So, let’s be good to ourselves, shall we? Let’s put our wellness first, and do the actions that we know to be most effective. Let’s not get burnt out, but be able to ride the highs and lows of life with more ease, because we chose to be proactive.
Let’s commit to sitting and breathing, without distractions, for at least 10 minutes a day. You can use an app, you can meditate, or you can be with yourself and just breathe.
Let’s commit to exercising at least 3 times a week and walking every day. Because you know this is what keeps your joints mobile, your bones strong, & it literally lowers your risks of disease. Plus it is PROVEN to help you manage & reduce stress.

You do not have to do what you have always done, if it’s not serving you. In fact, ‘nothing changes if nothing changes’.
If you want to feel better, live better, feel happier and more energetic, then my friend, stop waiting for life to happen TO you and make it happen FOR you.

The world will not wait for you to get it together.
The time is now to put yourself first. You deserve nothing less.

A little inspirational and passionate release today because I believe many of us need a gentle push to take action. If you read this and it inspired you to do something and move forward, please know this is exactly what I help my Health Coaching clients through. I help people make sustainable lifestyle changes with their fitness, nutrition and well-being, so they can live the life they want and feel as vibrant as they are. To get started on your wellness journey, book a discovery call with me today and learn more about my 12 Week 1:1 Coaching Programs.
I look forward to meeting you (virtually) :)

Ps. Did this hit home? I invite you to share with a friend who needs to read it, or on your social media! Let me know which part you resonated with the most by tagging me at @jackiemilnefit


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